[Note: GERMAN versions of these Week 5/21 tasks are available HERE. I welcome suggestions on how to improve the translations!]
In the printed version of this blog, Week 5 consists of the first 5 tasks shown in Week 2 of this blog. The tasks shown below feature as Week 21 in the book!
This week's tasks involve the notion of density, or a particular aspect of it, concerned with objects floating in water. Here the key idea is that, for solid objects made from a given material (in our case, a given type of wood), the amount (mass) of an object that is under water is proportional to its total amount. The underlying principle here, of course, is Archimedes' principle which states that "the upward buoyant force that is
exerted on a body immersed in a fluid, whether fully or partially, is
equal to the weight of the fluid that the body displaces". (from Wikipedia)
Students might raise another interesting question - why does (or why do we assume that) the plank floats in the way shown, ie ‘flat’ in the water with the shortest edges vertical, rather than either the ‘width’ or the ‘length’ vertical and ⅘ under water?
Some students might feel that they don’t know enough physics to solve this task. This would be an understandable reaction, though it is possible to make progress without knowing much about floating and sinking. For example, suppose someone suggests the 25mm plank will sink to a depth of 13mm (8mm + 5mm). In that case, what would happen with a 12mm (ie 20mm – 8mm) thick plank? Could it sit on top of the water?
Tuesday: Here we compare the depth in water of a floating plank with that of a pole. We are only after a qualitative answer about the depth of the pole - we are not trying to find the actual depth. The given quantities, 20mm and 5mm, are relevant only in as much as they tell us that less than half of the floating plank is under water.
The task is quite subtle as the pole’s cross-section is circular rather than rectangular. This means there is not a simple, linear relation between the depth to which the pole is underwater and the amount that is under water.
But if we do treat the beakers as weightless, then the sand would have a density of three times that of water. In reality dry sand is about 1.5 times as dense. While even wet, packed sand is only about twice as dense as water. Of course, we don’t expect many students (or the rest of us!) to know this!
We can also determine whether it will be less than or more than 9cm, though this is more challenging. Note: This might help! D = mS + B.
Note: The extra glass that is under water for beaker B will also displace some water, so we are assuming that the glass sides of the beaker are thin enough for this to be negligible.
A more circuitous but perfectly valid argument would be to say that for beaker A, the 6cm depth of displaced water supports the weight of the beaker and the 3cm depth of water, so 6cm – 3cm = 3cm is needed to support the beaker. So a depth of 3cm + 4cm of displaced water is needed to support beaker B with its 4cm depth of water.
(Note that we can simply argue in terms of depth of water rather than volume, because the beaker has a constant cross-section.)
This is a simpler variant of a task that has stayed with me since the early days of the CSMS project when two colleagues from the science wing (Michael Shayer and Hugh Wylam) introduced the team to this:
A rowing boat is floating in a swimming pool. A person in the boat throws a concrete slab overboard, into the pool. What happens to the height of the water in the pool?