In this week's tasks we take a sideways look at place value by considering divisibility and performing calculations in the context of these British imperial units of weight:
the hundredweight (cwt.), stone (st.) and pound (lb.).
The smallest unit that we use in these tasks is pounds, so when we say a quantity is divisible by a given number, we mean there are no pounds left over when it is divided by that number.
3 cwt. is 24 st.,
24 st. + 1 st. is 350 lb.,
350 lb. + 10 lb. is 360 lb.,
360 lb. is divisible by 6.
In part 2a) we can argue that 5 cwt. 4 st. is equal to a whole number of stones, which is equal to 14 times that number of pounds and so is divisible by 7.
In part 2b) we can argue that 5 cwt. is divisible by 8 as it is 5 × 8 ×14 lb., and 4st. is divisible by 8 as it is 4 × 14 lb. = 4 × 2 × 7 lb. = 8 × 7 lb.
9 cwt. 5 st. is a whole number of stones, which is 14 times that number of pounds and so it is divisible by 14. When 1 lb. is added to that amount, it is no longer divisible by 14.
16 st. + 4 st. = 20 st.
20 st. ÷ 3 = 6 st. with 2 st. or 28 lb. left over.
28 lb. + 2 lb. = 30 lb.
30 lb. ÷ 3 = 10 lb.
So 5 cwt. 4 st. 2 lb. ÷ 3 = 1 cwt. 6 st. 10 lb. Check: 1 cwt. 6 st. 10 lb. = 206 lb., the result in part a).
1. 3×10 lb. = 30 lb. = 2 st. 2 lb. Check-off 2 lb.
2 st. + 3×4 st. = 14 st. = 1 cwt. + 6 st. Check-off 6 st.
1 cwt. + 3×5 cwt. = 16 cwt. Check.
Some students might multiply the cwt. first, then the st., then the lb. This works but it entails carrying more information in one’s head.
Q2 brings out some parallels with multiplying by 10 in our normal (base 10) number system, where each number is shifted one column to the left.
In part a) we multiply by 14, which simply converts the given number of pounds into that number of stones, and as it happens (!) we can exchange these for one hundredweight. So we just have to calculate 14 × 3 cwt. which is is 42 cwt.
In part b) we multiply by 8, which simply converts any given number of stones into that number of hundredweight. It doesn’t convert pounds to stones in the same simple way, but closer inspection might reveal that 8 × 7 lb. is 4 × 14 lb. which is 4st. So we then have to calculate 8 × (2+5+4) cwt. which is is 88 cwt.